Дисциплина: Английский язык.
Контрольная работа по дисциплине «АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК» № 6030
Цена 250 руб.
1. Read the text and answer the questions.
Story 1. Happy ending
Masha had to start job hunting after graduating. Her boyfriend was lucky enough to find a well-paying and promising job quickly. But Masha had no success, even though she’d tried very hard. Finally, when she was close to desperation, she found a position at a utility company.’ The salary was good and the people there were friendly. Shortly afterwards she got married. One day her husband was offered an attractive three-years contract in Germany and he could not pass it up. After several months of separation pains, Masha made a decision — she left the job she had found with such difficulty and rushed after her husband, thereby trading security for complete uncertainty. A daring move, wasn’t it? The funny thing is that after having attended a German language course in Germany, Masha found out that the company she worked for in Russia had a German branch, and she got a job there — the very same position!
Miracles do happen!
Questions to story 1.
1) What country did Masha live and study?
2) What was the first job which Masha found after graduating from the University?
3) What does this phrase mean “A daring move, wasn’t it”? Explain it.
4) What “miracle” happened?
5) Why is the ending of this story “happy”?
2. Translate these recommendations into English.
Конкретные рекомендации ищущему работу
Как написать CV/Resume (Summary)
Resume, или CV (curriculum vitae), — краткая автобиография; пишется в произвольной форме, но есть несколько основных моментов.
1. Хронология, как правило, идет в обратном порядке, от современности к прошлому.
2. CV пишется в третьем лице, безличными конструкциями.
3. Выделяются ваши сильные стороны: образование, опыт
работы, владение иностранными языками, другие знания или
4. Имеет смысл подготовить несколько вариантов, один на одной, другой на двух-трех страницах, с различной компоновкой разделов.
5. CV должна быть краткой, грамотной, красиво набранной, четко изложенной — лучше все уместить на одной странице. Имейте также и более подробный вариант для собеседования.
6. Разделы CV: Education; Work Experience, Skills, Languages, Interests, Trips Abroad.
CV направляется конкретному адресату с кратким cover letter (сопроводительное письмо), где указывается источник получения информации о данной фирме.
3. Translate the sentences into Russian
1) Have you filled in the application form you got yesterday?
2) I read all the general information about the University, its benefits and my responsibilities.
3) What is the closing date (deadline) for my application?
4) Don’t forget to mention your permanent home address and telephone number.
5) What should I write in the section «Military status»?
6) Do you have any academic qualification?
7) I attached the photocopy of my academic certificate to my application form.
8) I’d like to continue my studies and conduct my research work at Oxford University.
4. Compose 7-8 sentences with the words and word combinations.
to fill in (the form), to fill a glass with water;
to provide (information), to provide with books;
to be responsible, responsibilities;
to attach (photocopy, Personal Essay, documents);
residency, residence, to be resident of;
to obtain (qualification, experience).