Практические задания по дисциплине «АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК» № 6229

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Дисциплина: Английский язык.
Практические задания по дисциплине «АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК» № 6229
Цена за все задания 200 руб.
I. Замените подлежащее, выраженное существительным, личным местоимением.
Образец: My aunt is a teacher. She is a teacher.
1. This test is difficult.
2. These tests are easy.
3. That computer is modern.
4. Those computers are not new.
5. My brother is a doctor.
6. His sister is a student.
7. Nick and I are good friends.
8. Bob and Tom are their children.
9. Gene and Ann are at school.
10. His uncle is an artist.
II. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод притяжательных местоимений-существительных.
Образец: Your car is in the garage. А где ее?
Твоя (ваша) машина в гараже. Where is hers?
1. His bag is on the chair. Where is hers? Ее (сумка) в машине.
2. This is your text-book. Тот – мой.
3. My group is in room five. Твоя (ваша) – в четвертой ауди¬тории.
4. Our cottage is not far from the city. Их (коттедж) далеко от города.
5. My nephews are little boys. Ее (племянники) – взрослые.
6. Their children are in the garden. Где наши?
7. His parents are old. Мои – довольно молодые.
8. My test is difficult. Твой – легкий.
9. Her relatives are here. Его – там.
10. My keys are in my bag. Где твои?
III. Переведите.
Образец: My niece. My niece’s boyfriend.
Моя племянница. Друг моей племянницы.
1. My sister; my sister’s room.
2. My group; my group’s student.
3. His sister; his sister’s friends.
4. These children; these children’s parents.
5. Those women; those women’s children.

выполнить на портале, упр. 4 стр. 16
IV. Раскройте скобки, напишите количественные местоимения much, many, переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод оборота there is, there are.
1. There (to be) много children in the garden.
2. The park (to be) in the centre of the city, there (to be) много flowers there.
3. There (to be) много useful information in this book.
4. He (to be) the only child in this family.
5. There (to be) five children in this family.
6. There (to be) много cold days in November.
7. There (to be) много light in this room.
8. The soup (to be) not tasty. There (to be) много salt in it.
9. I (to be) glad that there (to be) много my friends here.
10. There (to be) много computers in the room. They (to be) all modern.

выполнить на портале, упр. 1, стр. 28
I. Сравните употребление Present Continuous и Present Simple. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple.
1. I (to read) now. I (to read) every day.
2. He (to sleep) now. He (to sleep) every night.
3. He (to drink) tea now. He (to drink) tea every morning.
4. They (to go) to school now. They (to go) to school every morning.
5. I (not to sleep) now. I (not to sleep) in the daytime.
6. She (not to drink) coffee now. She (not to drink) coffee after lunch.
7. We (not to watch) TV now. We (not to watch) TV in the morning.
8. They (not to eat) now. They (not to eat) at the lesson.
9. My mother (not to work) now. My mother (not to work) at an office.
10. You (to work) now? You (to work) every day?
11. He (to play) now? He (to play) in the afternoon?
12. They (to eat) now? They (to eat) at school?
13. Your sister (to rest) now? Your sister (to rest) after school?
14. What you (to do) now? What you (to do) every morning?
15. What you (to read) now? What you (to read) after dinner?
16. What they (to eat) now? What they (to eat) at breakfast?
17. What your brother (to drink) now? What your brother (to drink) in the evening?

выполнить упражнения 4.1., стр. 39-40
4.1. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в Past Simple.
Postcards always spoil my holidays. Las summer I (to go) to Italy. I (to visit) museums and (to sit) in pubic gardens. A friendly waiter (to teach) me a few words of Italian. Then he (to lend) me a book. I (to read) a few lines, but (not to understand) a word. Every day I (to think) about postcards. My holidays (to pass) quickly, but I (not to send) any cards to my friends. On the last day I (to make) a big decision. I (to get up) early and (to buy) thirty-seven cards. I (to spend) the whole day in my room, but I (not to write) a single card!
Прочитать и перевести текст «My family», стр. 41-44
My family
My name is Michael Sandford. I am a student. Our family is not very large. There are four of us. The members of my family are: my parents, my younger sister Kate and myself (I).
My father’s name is Henry. My mother’s name is Helen. She is a housewife. My parents are not old. My mother is thirty-six and my father is forty-three.
I have a younger sister. Kate is fifteen. She is a student too. I am seventeen. Kate and I are not married. We are too young.
My father has a sister. She is my aunt. Aunt Emily and her hus¬band, Mr. Andrew Robertson, have an only child, my cousin Laura.
Laura is my father’s niece. She is sixteen. She is in France now with her parents. I have no other close relatives. We all are good friends.
На портале написать 10-12 предложений о своей семье.
выполнить упражнение 1, на стр. 50
I. Напишите прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степенях в следующих предложениях.
1. My book is expensive, your book is …, but her book is … .
2. The first question is difficult, but the second one is …, but the third question is … of them all.
3. Jane is beautiful, Helen is …, but Susan is … girl.
4. Your task is important, her task is …, but my task … task
5. My car is old, her car is …, but his car is … .
6. My dog is good, but his dog is … .
7. The first lemon is bad, the second lemon is …, but the third lemon is … .
8. Bob has got little juice, Tom has got … juice, but Ann has got … juice.
9. May is warm, June is …, but July is … .
10. November is cold, December is …, but January is … .

Видеоконференция, устная защита контрольной работы №1, рассказать о своей семье.
К экзамену устно подготовить перевод текста на стр. 44 -46
Meet the Priestleys
This is Mr. Priestley, the teacher. He teaches English and knows English, French, and German, and he speaks and reads and writes these languages very well.
He is not a young man, but he is not old. He is about forty-four or forty-five years old. He is a good-looking man, handsome, rather thin, with dark-brown hair just beginning to grey. He is always well-dressed, but quietly, in good taste. He usually wears suits of dark brown, dark blue or dark grey.
He speaks quietly and pleasantly, but there is strength under his quietness, and every student in his class knows this. He is quiet and pleasant because he is strong. Strength is generally quiet, weakness often is not.
He reads a great many books, and writes books for his students.
Mrs. Priestley knows all about the house; she does the work in it every day, and today she will tell you about it. Mrs. Priestley is a pleasant-looking woman of about forty, with warm brown hair and soft dark-brown eyes. She is kind and gentle, but she manages her house (and, in her quiet way, her husband) very well. He is, of course, a clever man, but a little unpractical, and he needs Mrs. Priestley to look after him. Mrs. Priestley, on the other hand, is very practical and full of common sense¹.
The Priestleys have two children, John and Margaret. John is eighteen, six foot tall, and a fine manly fellow. He is at the university and is studying to be a doctor. He is a clever, hard-working, a first-class footballer, boxer, and runner. He is strong both in body and in character, and quiet and thoughtful like his father. He will make a good doctor.
Margaret is only eleven. She is a lovely little girl with golden hair and dark blue eyes and a spirit that is always bright and happy, full of joy and gaiety. She isn’t fond of study of any kind, but she loves music and dancing and she sings very prettily. She is like a ray of sunshine in the house. Mr. Priestley is very fond of his son John and very proud of him; and Margaret is the apple of his eye². Mrs. Priestley is speaking:
“The house is rather big, and there is a lot of work in it, so I can’t do everything alone. I have Susan and Lizzie to help me with work.”
Lizzie is our cook, and she is a very good cook, but she is no good at all at housework. Now, Susan is very good at housework, but she can’t cook at all — she can’t even boil an egg.
But that is all right, for Lizzie gets on with her cooking, and Susan and I do the housework and, believe me, we all work very hard.
Susan and Lizzie get up at a quarter to seven, and make the fires and open the windows. I get up at half past seven, and so does my husband, in time for breakfast at eight o’clock. We have breakfast in the breakfast-room. I like to begin the day well, so our breakfast is always a good one. My husband reads his newspaper and smokes a cigarette with last cup of tea, before he begins his work at nine o’clock.
Then Lizzie and Susan begin to clean the house, wash up, make the beds, and get the vegetables ready for lunch. We have lunch at one o’clock.
After that I do some sewing, or go out for a walk, or go to see people.
We have afternoon tea about five o’clock, but for that we don’t go into the dining room. We go to sitting-room and Susan brings in the tea with plates of bread and butter and small cakes.
After tea we sit and talk or listen to the wireless or read. Sometimes we go to the cinema or to the theatre. About seven or eight o’clock I generally go to bed, but my husband likes to sit up late and read or write in his study. Well, that is all for present. I will tell you more about the house some other time.

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