Контрольная работа. Контрольное задание 4. 1 Вариант. № 5954

1 ЗвездаПлохоСреднеХорошоОтлично (6 оценок, среднее: 4,67 из 5)

Дисциплина: Английский язык.


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  1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, укажите вид инфинитивного оборота, подчеркните его.
  2. The people present at the meeting wanted the Trade Union representative to speak about unemployment among young people in Great Britain.
  3. The country’s exports are likely to increase.
  4. The natural gas pipeline is said to cost 10 million dollars.
  5. Письменно переведите следующие предложения, указав вид причастного оборота, подчеркните его.

1)The engineers having invented new devices, the output of goods greatly increased.

2)The production plan was computed on the bases of a minimum labour consumption, all modifications being taken into consideration.

3)The machine of this type are provided with automatic devices, the latter being very effective.

III. Переведите следующие предложения, обратив внимание на условные предложения с нереальным условием.

  1. Provided they knew these new methods, they would apply, them in their research.
  2. Mankind would be better off if the waste of new materials were stopped.
  3. If Britain had more natural resources, it wouldn’t depend on imports.

IV.Прочтите и переведите устно с 1-го по 6-й абзацы текста.

Перепишите и переведите письменно 1, 2, 4, 5 абзацы.


  1. Britain lives by manufacture and trade. The United Kingdom is known to be one of the world’s largest exporters of manufactured goods per head of population. Apart from coal and iron ore Britain has very few natural resources, it mostly depending on imports. Britain also has to import timber, cotton, fruit and farm products.
  2. In the past century Britain secured a leading position in the world as manufacturer, merchant and banker. After World War I the world demand for the products of Britain’s traditional industries having fallen off, Britain began expanding trade in new engineering products and electrical goods.
  3. The crisis of 1929-1933 brought about mass unemployment, which reached its peak inI932. Britain’s share in the world industrial output decreased. After the crisis production increased following some revival in world trade and as a result of the extensive armament program.
  4. During World War II Britain’s economy was fully employed in the war effort, Massed raids of German planes on British industrial centres caused considerable damage to Britain’s industry. World War II brought about a further weakening of Britain’s might. Great Britain is no longer the leading imperialist power it used to be. It has lost its colonies which used to supply it with cheap raw materials.
  5. It is characteristic of Britain’s industry to produce high quality expensive goods requiring skilled labour, such as precision instruments, electronic equipment, chemical s and high quality consumer goods. Britain produces and exports cotton and woolen goods, leather goods, and articles made of man-made fabrics.
  6. Lancashire produced cotton goods and Yorkshire woolens, with Sheffield concentrating on iron and steel. Birmingham developed light engineering. There appeared a tendency for industry and population to move-to the South, particularly to the London area. Great progress was made in the development of new industries, such as aircraft, automobile, electronic industries and others. A number of automic power reactors were made. Great emphasis was made on the development of war industry.

Пояснения к тексту

  1. apart from coal and iron ore — кроме угля и железной руды
  2. the demand for — спрос на …
  3. bring about — вызывать
  4. used to be — когда-то, раньше

V.Прочитайте 6-й абзац текста и письменно ответьте на вопрос:

What goods does Great Britain produce?

Контрольная работа. Контрольное задание 4. 1 Вариант. № 5954

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